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Best Bets (2):

Judaism uses a lunar/solar calendar consisting of months that begin at the new moon. Each year has 12 or 13 months, to keep it in sync with the solar year. See Jewish Calendar; The Jewish Calendar: A Closer Look; Current Calendar; Jewish Holidays.
Judaism uses a lunar/solar calendar consisting of months that begin at the new moon. Each year has 12 or 13 months, to keep it in sync with the solar year. See Jewish Calendar; The Jewish Calendar: A Closer Look; Current Calendar; Jewish Holidays.

Pages (5):

Current Calendar
The current Jewish calendar, displaying the current three months with holidays and weekly Torah portions.
Jewish Calendar
Learn about the Jewish calendar, its background and history, the numbering of Jewish years, the months of the Jewish year and the days of the Jewish week.
Minor Fasts
Learn about the minor fasts of the Jewish calendar and their significance.
New Holidays
Learn about the holidays that were added to the Jewish calendar to commemorate historical events of the last century.
The Jewish Calendar: A Closer Look
A closer look at the mathematics behind the Jewish Calendar, explaining how Hebrew dates are calculated. Provides sample JavaScript code to show how the calculations work.

All Hits (14):

The twelfth month of the Jewish year, occurring in February/March. In leap years, an additional month of Adar is added to the calendar. Adar is the month when the holiday of Purim occurs. See Months of the Jewish Year; Jewish Calendar; Purim.
Beginning of Day
A day on the Jewish calendar begins at sunset. When a date is given for a Jewish holiday, the holiday actually begins at sundown on the preceding day. See When Holidays Begin.
Birkat Hachamah (BEER-kaht hah-chah-MAH)
The Blessing of the Sun, once every 28 years, when the halakhic vernal equinox occurs on the fourth day at the 0 hour of the day (6 PM Tuesday). The blessing is recited at dawn of that day on the Jewish calendar, which is Wednesday morning (a Jewish day starts at sunset and continues until sunset on the next secular day).
Judaism uses a lunar/solar calendar consisting of months that begin at the new moon. Each year has 12 or 13 months, to keep it in sync with the solar year. See Jewish Calendar; The Jewish Calendar: A Closer Look; Current Calendar; Jewish Holidays.
Cheilek (pl. Chalakim) (KHEHY-lehk; khah-LAHK-eem)
A unit of time used in calculating the Jewish calendar, corresponding to 3-1/3 seconds, more commonly referred to in English as a "part." There are 18 parts in a minute and 1080 parts in an hour. See The Jewish Calendar: A Closer Look - Calendar Essentials.
Dechiyah (pl. Dechiyot) (d'-KHEE-yah; d'-khee-YOHT)
A rule postponing the date of the new year when calculating the Jewish Calendar. There are four dechiyot, but some are more commonly applied than others. See The Jewish Calendar: A Closer Look - Calculating the Calendar.
Lit. evening. 1) The evening part of a day, which precedes the morning part of the same day because a "day" on the Jewish calendar starts at sunset. See Jewish Holidays - When Holidays Begin. 2) The daytime before a holiday or observance that begins in the evening. For example, if your calendar says that Yom Kippur is on September 25, then Yom Kippur begins the evening of September 24, which is the same Hebrew day as the daytime part of September 25, and the daytime part of September 24 is "Erev Yom Kippur". Some people would also refer to the evening part of September 24 as "Erev Yom Kippur," though that evening part is actually Yom Kippur.
Leap Year (shah-NAH m'-oo-BEH-reht)
A year with an extra month, to realign the Jewish lunar calendar with the solar year. See Jewish Calendar.
Molad (moh-LAHD)
Lit. birth. The new moon, which marks the beginning of the month on the Jewish calendar. See The Jewish Calendar: A Closer Look - Calendar Essentials.
Parshah (PAHR-shah)
A weekly Torah portion read in synagogue. To find this week's portion, check the Current Calendar.
Rosh Chodesh (ROHSH CHOH-desh)
Lit. head of the month. The first day of a month, on which the first sliver of the new moon appears. It is a minor festival today, though it was a more significant festival in ancient times. See also Jewish Calendar; The Jewish Calendar: A Closer Look.
Sanhedrin (sahn-HEE-drin)
The "Supreme Court" of the ancient Jewish state, in the tradition established in Exodus chapter 18. According to tradition, the Oral Torah was given to Moses and passed on a continuous line to Joshua, then to the elders, then to the prophets then to the Sanhedrin. It decided difficult cases and cases of capital punishment. It also fixed the calendar, taking testimony to determine when a new month began.
Shabbat Ha-Chodesh (shah-BAHT hah-CHOH-desh)
The sabbath on which we read Parshat Ha-Chodesh, one of the Four Parshiyot, special Torah readings added to the weekly cycle of readings during the month before Pesach (Passover). Parshat Ha-Chodesh establishes the Hebrew calendar.
Judaism uses a lunar/solar calendar consisting of months that begin at the new moon. Each year has 12 or 13 months, to keep it in sync with the solar year. Years are counted from the date of Creation. See Jewish Calendar.

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