Parshat Vayyeshev (He Was Settled)

The Torah portion is Vayyeshev, Genesis 37:1-40:23. In synagogues using the Triennial system, 5784 is year 2 and the Torah reading is Genesis 38:1-38:30.

The story of Jacob's favorite son Joseph, his dreams, his brothers selling him into slavery, his time in Egypt, ending up in jail interpreting dreams. It also tells the story of Judah and Tamar.

There is a special maftir portion (the final piece of the Torah reading) for Chanukah Day 2: Numbers 7:18-29. This portion lists the gifts given on the second day of another dedication: the Mishkan, the portable sanctuary in the wilderness.

The haftarah is Amos 2:6-3:8. This passage begins by speaking of selling the righteous for silver, just as Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery in the Torah portion.