The Torah portion is Bereishit, Genesis 1:1-6:8. In synagogues using the Triennial system, 5784 is year 2 and the Torah reading is Genesis 2:4 to 4:26.
This is the first parshah of the Torah, from a book known in English as Genesis. The name of the book, Bereishit, is simply the first word in the book. This covers a large swath of the beginning of history, from Creation through Cain, Abel and Seth, to increasing wickedness. It ends with the first mention of Noah.The haftarah is for Shabbat Before Rosh Chodesh, I Samuel 20:18-42. The story of David and Jonathan, in which Jonathan makes plans to warn David if he is in danger from Jonathan's father, King Saul. These plans were made on the day before Rosh Chodesh.