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Best Bets (2):

Anglicization of the Hebrew, "mashiach" (anointed). A man who will be chosen by G-d to put an end to all evil in the world, rebuild the Temple, bring the exiles back to Israel and usher in the world to come. It is better to use the Hebrew term "mashiach" when speaking of the Jewish messiah, because the Jewish concept is very different from the Christian one.
Anglicization of the Hebrew, "mashiach" (anointed). A man who will be chosen by G-d to put an end to all evil in the world, rebuild the Temple, bring the exiles back to Israel and usher in the world to come. It is better to use the Hebrew term "mashiach" when speaking of the Jewish messiah, because the Jewish concept is very different from the Christian one.

Pages (2):

Mashiach: The Messiah
Traditional Jewish concept of the messiah (mashiach): what he will be like, what he will do, what the messianic age will be like, and why Jews do not believe Jesus was the messiah.
Synagogues, Shuls and Temples
A discussion of Jewish places of worship, including modern synagogues and the Temple of ancient times.

All Hits (4):

Bar Kokhba (BAHR KOHKH-buh)
Aramaic: Son of a Star. Simeon ben Kosiba, the leader of the last and most successful Jewish rebellion against Rome in 132-135 C.E. He died in battle when the rebellion was defeated. Rabbi Akiba believed he was the Mashiach (Messiah).
Mashiach (mah-SHEE-ahkh)
Lit. anointed. A man who will be chosen by G-d to put an end to all evil in the world, rebuild the Temple, bring the exiles back to Israel and usher in the world to come. Generally translated as "messiah," but the Jewish concept is very different from the Christian one.
Anglicization of the Hebrew, "mashiach" (anointed). A man who will be chosen by G-d to put an end to all evil in the world, rebuild the Temple, bring the exiles back to Israel and usher in the world to come. It is better to use the Hebrew term "mashiach" when speaking of the Jewish messiah, because the Jewish concept is very different from the Christian one.
Messianic Age
A period of global peace and prosperity that will be brought about by the messiah when he comes.

Search Tips

This search engine searches Judaism 101's glossary and index. Its results will display glossary entries that define terms and link to various pages on related subjects.

When you start to type, it will suggest matching entries from the glossary, sorted by popularity. Words that are not in the list may get results; for example, there is no glossary entry for Egypt, so it won't appear in the hint list, but a search for Egypt gets several results.

The search is case-insensitive. "Rabbi" is the same as "rabbi" or "RABBI".

The search returns glossary entries that contain ALL of your terms. If your search gets no results, the search engine will show you a list of successful alternate searches that contain some of your terms, and the number of results each alternate search. You can click the alternate search to see its results.

The search engine will attempt to eliminate unnecessary words in your searches, and adjust your spelling of Hebrew and Yiddish terms to match the way I spell those terms in the glossary and index, to increase the likelihood of getting complete and accurate results.

Avoid using words like "Jewish" or "Judaism" in your searches. Everything in this site is Jewish, but I don't always use that word. "Bible" will get you better results than "Jewish Bible."

Avoid using plain-English searches like "What are the names of the books in the Jewish Bible?" You are much more likely to find the results you want if you simply enter one or two important words, for example, "Bible."

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